//This app shows how to create/use a custom method that returns an answer //'*************************************USING CUSTOM CLASS********************************* private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //---create an instance of the NumberMachine Class I created NumberMachine myMathMaker = new NumberMachine(); short firstNumber = Convert.ToInt16(txtFirst.Text); short secondNumber = Convert.ToInt16(txtSecond.Text); myAnswer = myMathMaker.DoAddition(firstNumber, secondNumber); lblClassAnswer.Text =Convert.ToString(myAnswer); } private void btnSubtract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //---create an instance of the NumberMachine Class I created NumberMachine myMathMaker = new NumberMachine(); short firstNumber = Convert.ToInt16(txtFirst.Text); short secondNumber = Convert.ToInt16(txtSecond.Text); myAnswer = myMathMaker.DoSubtraction(firstNumber, secondNumber); lblClassAnswer.Text = Convert.ToString(myAnswer); } //**********************************END OF USING CUSTOM CLASS********************************* namespace UsingClasses_Part1 { public class NumberMachine { /// /// This function accepts two short integers and returns the sum as a short /// /// /// /// Returns a short integer public short DoAddition( short x, short y) { short myAnswer = 0; myAnswer = Convert.ToInt16(x + y); return myAnswer; } /// /// This function accepts two short integers subtracts them & returns the result as a short /// /// /// /// public short DoSubtraction(int x, int y) { short myAnswer = 0; myAnswer = Convert.ToInt16(x - y); return myAnswer; }