private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { // ---now load the list box. It will hold a description, price, and name of the thumbnail image to display lstProducts->Items->Add("Birds 49.95 bird.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Horse 649.95 colt.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Fish 4.95 fish.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Cats 29.95 kitten.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Puppy 29.95 puppy.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Rabbit 39.95 rabbit.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Sheep 249.95 sheep.jpg"); lstProducts->Items->Add("Turtle 6.49 turtle.jpg"); } private: System::Void lstProducts_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { //---start with 1 item and clear the previous sale txtQuantity->Text = "1"; lblTax->Text = ""; lblTotal->Text = ""; //---make sure you understand what I am doing here in this section String^ itemChosen = lstProducts->Text->Substring(0,10)->Trim(); String^ itemPrice = lstProducts->Text->Substring(20,15)->Trim(); String^ itemPhoto = lstProducts->Text->Substring(40)->Trim(); txtItem->Text = itemChosen; txtPrice->Text = itemPrice; picThumbs->Load ("images\\" + itemPhoto); // grab the image from the images folder }