Santiago Canyon College

C# .Net Programming

Ron Kessler, Boss


EXTRA CREDIT PROJECT:  Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Documentation & Specifications



You are going to design an ATM project. The customer needs to be able to enter a PIN, and then make a deposit, withdrawal, or get Fast Cash. I want your program to store this info in a text file so the balance in the account can be updated.


Here are the minimum requirements for full credit (15 Pts)

  1. Provide a way to enter the PIN and terminate the program if they enter the wrong PIN more than 3 times.
  2. Provide data entry for deposits/withdrawals.
  3. Your program must validate the data they enter.
  4. You must include error handling in your project.
  5. You must store the customer’s data in a sequential text file. ONLY ONE CUSTOMERS DATA NEEDS TO BE SAVED.
  6. Please show the customer’s complete name on screen when they log in to be friendly!
  7. All currency data must be formatted correctly showing dollars and cents.
  8. Provide a way to end the program.


Specific Tips


  1. Make sure the customer can’t do anything until they enter the correct PIN.
  2. Include a way to end your program and ask the customer if they really want to end.
  3. Make sure you label the things on the screen so it is obvious to the customer how to run and interact with your program.
  4. Make your input form nice to look at. Experiment with different background colors and fonts. Remember to include an appropriate title for your form so it looks nice on screen.
  5. The program should start up in the center of the screen.
  6. The tab order should be set appropriately.
  7. Please include comments in your code and make sure you include a title and date of creation and any other stuff you want me to know about how your program works. If you are not sure, ask me about this.




This project is due week 11 at noon Friday of that week. Please do not wait until the last minute to start this because it has a bunch of parts. Even if you do not finish it on time, turn in what you have for partial credit.